Smart Power Supply

Huawei UPS2000-H

The FusionPower series SmartLi UPS2000-H-(6~10kVA) is an ideal power supply solution for small-sized scenarios based on the online double conversion technology.

Huawei UPS2000-G

The UPS2000-G is a power supply solution for micro data centers and critical power supply scenarios.

Huawei UPS5000-A

The UPS5000-A (30-600kVA) is a tower UPS for medium-sized and large-sized data centers and critical power supply scenarios.

Huawei UPS5000-E

The UPS5000-E(30-800kVA) is a modular UPS solution for medium-sized data centers and critical power supply scenarios.

Huawei UPS5000-H

The UPS5000-H (200-1600kVA) is Huawei's high-density and high-efficiency modular UPS.

Huawei FusionPower6000

FusionPower6000 integrates full-power links from the medium-voltage transformer to the load feeder for large data centers.

Huawei SmartLi

Huawei SmartLi is a Huawei-developed battery energy storage system solution that provides backup power for data centers.